calc() function lets you do basic arithmetic with two or more values.i.e. + - * /.
For example CALC
:root {
font-size: calc(0.5em + 1svw);
The 0.5em here operates as sort of minimum font size, and the 1svw adds a responsive scaler. This gives you a base font size
from 11.75px on an iPhone Se up to 20 px 1200 px browser window.
CLAMP Takes three arguemnents: a minimum value, a preferred value as an expression, and maximum valze.
For example
font-size: clamp(0.9rem, 0.6rem + 0.5svw, 1.7rem);
This specifies a font size of 0.6rem +0.5svw, bt the clamp function ensures the final value smaller than 0.9rem and never larger than 1.7 rem.
When you use a unitless number, that declared value is inheritated, meaning its computed alue is recalculated for each inheriting child value.
To define a custom property, you declare it like any other CSS property
--main-font: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
Ques. what is JSON?
short for javascript object notation, is a lightweight data interchange formmat that is easy for human to read and write,
and easy for machines to parse and generate. It is often used for exchanging data between different parts of an application.
JSON is represented as key-value pair, where keys are strings and values can be strings, number, boolean, arrays or other JSON objects.
The basic syntax of a JSON object looks like this:
JSON is widely used beccause of is simplicity,ease of use and compatibilty with varius programming languages. It is a common format for sending and recieving data in APIs, configuring and storing configuration settings.