DAY2: Inherit,initial,unset and revert keyword & Relative units.

1.Adding em unit to padding

Small 12px Large 16px

Both span have same padding and padding radius of 1em but due to difference in font size it automatically adjust padding to 12 px and 16 px respectively.

Let see what happen when we use 1.5em instead of 1 em

Small 12px Large 16px

This time, you will notice pading has been incresed, 12*1.5 = 16px and 16*1.5= 24px respectively.

2. Adding relative unit to font size EM

fontsize: 1em fontsize: 1.2em

3. what is rem

basically root_em. we know about pseudo class :root which is sort of type selector for whole HTML

4. @media queries

in this page we have kept
:root{font-size: 0.8}
@media (min-width:800) {
:root{ font-size: 1em}
what it will do that, when screen size drop below 800px it will lower the FontSize to 0.8em


Ques. what is exponential or pover Operator(**)?

Ans. using exponential Operator
const result1= 2**3;// raised to the power 3
console.log(result1);// 8
const result2 = 4**8.5 //sqaure root of 4
console.log(result2); //131072
const result3 = 10**-2 //10 raised to the power -2
console-log(result3); //0.01